
[Joachim Schwend / Horst W. Drescher (eds): Studies in Scottish Fiction: Twentieth Century. Scottish Studies 10. Frankfurt a.M. u.a.: Peter Lang, 1990. S. 3–4.]

Preface  . . .  5

by Joachim Schwend  . . .  7

Contemporary Reviews of Neil Munro's Novel John Splendid
by Hermann Völkel  . . .  13

Questioning the Canon: The Problem of George Douglas Brown's Shorter Writings
by Patrick Scott  . . .  31

John Buchan's Novels about Scotland
by Christopher MacLachlan  . . .  45

David Lindsay: Scotland and the Northern Connection
by Bernard Sellin  . . .  67

Gillespie: Facing the Elemental
by John Burns  . . .  83

Boxing Compton Mackenzie's Compass: A Turn round The Four Winds of Love
by Ian Ross  . . .  101

Dark Star over Drumorty: The Writing of Lorna Moon
by Glenda Norquay  . . .  117

“A very Curious Emptiness”: Muir's Novels as the Provenance of Scott and Scotland
by Sheila G. Lodge  . . .  133

The Published Novels of Willa Muir
by David S. Robb  . . .  149

Neil Gunn and the Highland Novel: The Anxiety of Influence
by Alistair McCleery  . . .  163

A Tendency to the Whole: MacDiarmid's Annals of the Five Senses
by Catherine Kerrigan  . . .  181

Coming to Terms with Industrial Scotland: Two ‘Proletarian’ Novels of the 1930s (George Blake: The Shipbuilders, James Barke: Major Operation)
by Manfred Malzahn  . . .  193

‘... to get leave to live.’ Patterns of Identity, Freedom and Defeat in the Fiction of Nan Shepherd
by Roderick Watson  . . .  207

Forgiving the Past: Naomi Mitchison's The Bull Calves
by Douglas Gifford  . . .  219

Human Relations: an Outline of Some Major Themes in Naomi Mitchison's Adult Fiction
by Isobel Murray  . . .  243

Lewis Grassic Gibbon's Revolutionary Romanticism
by Ian Bell  . . .  257

The Grassic Gibbon Style
by Ian Campbell  . . .  271

Rough Edges: The Feminist Representation of Women in the Writing of Lewis Grassic Gibbon
by Keith Dixon  . . .  289

Through the Glass Bleakly: Fionn Mac Colla's View of the Gaelic World in The Albannach
by Andrew Monnickendam  . . .  303

Imagining the City: The Glasgow Novel
by Christopher Whyte  . . .  317

Calvin Walker — Still Going Strong. The Scottish Kirk in 20th-Century Scottish Fiction
by Joachim Schwend  . . .  335

Index  . . .  347

Erstellt: 7/99 – 11.05.05 Jürgen Herber  •