The Dilemma of Scottish Nationalism in Historical Perspective
by Charles Haws . . . 21
Nationalism in Scottish Medieval and Renaissance Literature
by Joachim Schwend . . . 29
The Mind is a Muscle: Carlyle, Literary Revolution & Linguistic
by Murray Baumgarten . . . 43
Burns — Literary Focus of Scottish National Identity?
by Dietrich Strauss . . . 107
Reinventing Identity: Nationalism in Modern Scottish Literature
by Thomas C. Richardson . . . 117
“Oor Ain Folk?” National Types and Stereotypes in Arcadia
by Roderick Watson . . . 131
Nationalism in Twentieth-Century Scottish Literary Criticism
by Peter
Zenzinger . . . 143
Translating Twentieth-Century Scottish Renaissance Literature: The National
Element in Cross-National Communication
by Susanne Hagemann . . . 155
The Ugsome Thistle: Hugh MacDiarmid and the Nationalism of the Modern
Literary Revival
by Catherine Kerrigan . . . 181
Hugh MacDiarmid's “Conversion” to Scots: Practice before Theory
by Kenneth Buthlay . . . 189
Lewis Grassic Gibbon, Scotland and Nationalism
by Keith Dixon . . . 201
Second Thoughts of a Scotsman on the Make: Politics, Nationalism and
Myth in John Buchan
by Christopher Harvie . . . 213
Correspondence between Scotland, England and Switzerland, 1750–1870
by Ian
Campbell . . . 237
On the Interdependence of Scottish and German Philosophy: The Intertwined
Threads of Two National Traditions
by Manfred Kuehn . . . 257
Literature and National Identity: The Irish Example
by Klaus Lubbers . . . 269
Literary Echoes of the Present Troubles in Northern Ireland
by Patrick Rafroidi . . . 281
A Tale of Two Thomases — Reflections on Two Anglo-Welsh Poets
by Geraint Davies . . . 289
“We are Exiles from our Father's Land” — Nineteenth Century Scottish-Canadian
by G. Ross Roy . . . 299
The Rise of Cultural Nationalism in the New World: The Scottish Element
and Example
by Waldemar Zacharasiewicz
. . . 315
Die slowenische Frage: Sprache und kulturelle Identität
von Nikolai Salnikow . . . 335
Keltentum und Nationalismus in Galicien
von Dietrich Briesemeister . . . 347
Catalonia: In Search of Autonomy
by Andrew Monnickendam . . . 359
Das Rätoromanische Graubündens als Minoritätensprache
von Manfred Betz . . . 367
Round Table
Chair: Ian
Campbell, University of Edinburgh . . . 373